The World Outside The Shell

Chapter 7: The Companions

The climb to higher ground continued through mid-day.

Lady Ri stopped at the crest of a hill and surveyed the marshlands. The ancient lake was returning. The rocky cliffs and steep tree lined hills surrounding the lake contained the water as the rain poured down in sheets.

I shouted over the rumble of the storm, “I will translate the map.”

“The map cannot be read in the dark,” said Lady Ri. “I think we should climb to higher ground, perhaps  follow the ridge line and go north. I can sense Gromm near the water’s edge pulling one of the companions to safety.” 

The ground shook as thunder split the damp air and a landslide cascaded into the lake below.

“And what if the map tells us to stay here at the lake?” I shouted, and continued with a long list of reasons to stay.

Lady Ri said, “I cannot hear you turtle.”

I looked up and tried to warn her, but it was too late as the landslide pulled the ground out from under her feet. I remember Lady Ri holding me close as she found tracktion, jumped free of the unstable ground, and climbed deeper in the forest, eventually stopping at the base of the sheer cliff.

Lady Ri said, “I remember seeing the cliff in our search for the map. I think the cliff marks the edge of the ancient lake, so we can rest if the climb to the peak is a success.”

“And if we fall?”

Lady Ri said, “Ha! The climb is nothing to me.”

“Please bring me with you.”

“Of course, I need a translator to read the map,” said Lady Ri.

“I need to see the map to start translating the map.”

Lady Ri tucked me into a small travel bag tied to her waist. “I noticed your ‘impossible-to-break’ shell when Gromm attacked near the ruined tower, so don’t worry about falling onto the rocks when I drop you.”

I said, “WHEN you drop me?”

Lady Ri said, “I miss turtle soup, but you’re no good to me in the shell.”

I fainted into a deep sleep when she closed the travel bag, and suspected the sleep was caused by magic as my consciousness drifted into nothingness.

The crack of thunder woke me from the nothingness as Lady Ri stood at the peak of the cliff watching the lake form in the basin of the marshlands.  She nearly stumbled off the cliff into  the rising water at the sight of her companion. “Gromm!”

I looked down  at the rising waters and marveled at seeing Gennd scale the cliff with relative ease, despite the pouring rain. He was alone. 

Lady Ri leaned over to pull Gennd to safety. She said, “The prophecy is real.”

Gromm said, “The companions are gathered on a small island of debris created by the landslides from surrounding hills.”The ground shook and a large section of the fell into the rising waters.

I shouted to the companions, “I will translate the map and find a safer place to rest.”

Lady Ri said, “The turtle needs the map to survive, like the humans, but he would abandon us in an instant to live a solitary life. In the world formed by the floods, we must stay together to survive.”

I waited for the map and she stood in silence watching the flood waters gather and rise across the marshlands. I turned to Gromm and shouted, “Is there any chance you can reason with the Lady RI?” He shook his head ‘no’ and frowned.

Lady Ri said, “If we are to survive the floods, I must learn to accept the advice of others. I have been the all powerful leader of nations for too long.”

I said, “Leader of nations?” I shrunk back worried about the true identity of Lady Ri and her companion.

Lady Ri said, “Do you have a memory of your escape attempts? I heard reports from Venn and Gromm about the challenges they faced trying to save you.

I said, “I was captured, not rescued.”

Lady Ri said, “The coiled snake wanted to eat you turtle. He tracked our group into the woods to seek revenge, because I continued to save you from his attempts…”

I said, “…But I remember your group tracking me…ugh…I wanted a simple life in the marshlands.”

Lady Ri said, “The marshlands are gone and we all want something we cannot have. I lost the StarGlave because I tried to hold the Starglave and the map, the items meant to bring people together. The same fate is yours should you decide to refuse the guidance of the others. I request your help, please.”

I said, “The companions must have known the rains would start when the StarGlave and map were found. I get the feeling we need each other.”

Lady Ri said, “The companions asked me to save the world. I refused and laughed at the truth of the prophecy and died three times. I was returned to this world with a better understanding of the prophecy.”

I said, “Wait, you died?”

Lady Ri said, “I fear you are the key to locking the door to another world.”

I said, “Oh?”

Lady Ri said, “The flood began when a door was left open. I am the youngest of the guardians and failed to close the door in time. The balance of worlds has turned to chaos…storms of unimaginable size. Do you remember the man in the white robes climbing around the temple?

I said, “Yes.”

Lady Ri said, “The Lake of the Lost Kingdom once hid the temple from unwanted visitors. The man achieved his dream as I watched him step through a door to enter another world. Are you the cause of the storms?”

I said, “The waterfall is my first memory.”

Lady Ri said, “Did you open the door using the sun-pools?”

I said, “The taste of the sweet grass of the marshlands is my favorite memory.”

Lady Ri said, “Are you ignoring me?”

© J. Bateman

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