Pictures on Halloween

The tree lined road
The clouds, dark adrift
The windblown red, orange and yellow,  black and white leaves

The skeleton trees
The sidewalk parade
The night of costumes and candy was over too soon

The pictures from an old camera found in a closet, brightly colored paper memories

The sound of the call of a howling wolf
The sudden surprise of an owl taking flight

The crystal ball glow of the Halloween moon and the minds of young monsters chasing shadows and ghosts

The witch with a wish to kiss a vampire
The witch and her friends all watching the boys
The vampire with no interest in girls, counting handfuls of candy on his front porch

The young werewolf too scared to bark at the moon, watching the parade from a wagon being pulled by his grandpa

The mom holding three kids close on the walk from door to door, whispering say trick or treat little dinosaurs!

The husband and wife greeting friends from the neighborhood

The neighbors standing proud with their outdoor scenes of friendly frights, a cacophony of prerecorded music and sound effects

The howls and the hoots and the Halloween moon

The pictures from an old camera found in a closet, brightly colored paper memories

© J. Bateman

Concentrikey © 2022