The Grill

She was watching him prepare dinner.

He was aware of her watching him.

She asked him to get drinks from the icebox cooler, “I like my steaks medium, no lumps of coal for dinner, looks like you need help.”

He stopped watching the grill, “Watch it burn.”

She smiled, “I can help.”

He smiled, “I want to cook dinner, my gift to you.”

She waved him away, “I would like a drink, please.”

He searched the icebox cooler and was soon lost in the mountain of ice.

She corrected his grilling mistakes, turned down the burner to lower the heat, then returned to the picnic table as if nothing happened.

He returned with two drinks.

She smiled, “How do those steaks look?”

He looked confused, “What did you do?”

She looked at him with a knowing smile, “I waited for you.”

He looked at the steaks, “The steaks will be well done soon.”

She took one long drink, “I prefer well done, medium perhaps, not…watch it burn!”

© J. Bateman

Concentirkey © 2022